Among many people who I have come to admire in their approach to life, two achievements stand out as essential: a calm mind and a loving heart. Drawing wisdom from Anthony de Mello and Naval Ravikant, these are some notes on how to cultivate these states everyday.
Jul 15, 2021
Carlos L. Araya
Calm Mind
The journey towards a calm mind begins with a fundamental truth: as de Mello points out, "What makes you happy or unhappy is not the world and the people around you, but the thinking in your head." This insight invites us to look inward, to examine the landscape of our thoughts and beliefs. It suggests that the key to tranquility lies not in controlling our external environment, but in understanding and reshaping our internal one.
Ravikant echoes this sentiment when he says, "The hard thing is seeing the truth. To see the truth, you have to get your ego out of the way because your ego doesn't want to face the truth." Our egos, attachments, and false beliefs cloud our judgment and prevent us from seeing reality as it is. To achieve a calm mind, we must have the courage to face reality head-on, no matter how uncomfortable it might be.
De Mello suggests that "In order to be genuinely happy there is one and only one thing you need to do: get deprogrammed, get rid of those attachments." This deprogramming is not about emptying our minds, but about freeing them from the conditioned responses and beliefs that create turbulence and discontent. It's about learning to see the world as it is, rather than as we believe it should be.
Being Loving
While a calm mind allows us to see the world more clearly, a loving heart enables us to engage with it more fully and compassionately. De Mello beautifully describes love as "a sensitivity to every portion of reality within you and without, together with a wholehearted response to that reality." This definition of love goes beyond personal relationships; it encompasses a way of interacting with the world that is both aware and responsive.
De Mello also reminds us that "Love can only exist in freedom. The true lover seeks the good of his beloved which requires especially the liberation of the beloved from the lover." This perspective on love is about giving without expectation, about caring without trying to control.
Ravikant approaches this concept from a different angle, emphasizing the importance of self-love and inner peace: "Happiness is there when you remove the sense of something missing in your life." When we cultivate self-love and contentment, we're better able to extend love to others without neediness or attachment.
Come Together
A calm mind and a loving heart are not separate pursuits, but deeply interconnected states. As we cultivate mental calmness, we create space for love to flourish. Conversely, as we practice love and compassion, we often find our minds becoming calmer and more peaceful.
De Mello captures this beautifully when he says, "Almost every negative emotion you experience is the direct outcome of an attachment." By letting go of our attachments - to outcomes, to recognition, to being right - we free ourselves to experience more peace and to love more freely.
Ravikant adds another dimension to this, reminding us that "The closer we are to the truth of any situation, the more power we can draw from it." By seeing clearly (with a calm mind) and engaging lovingly, we position ourselves to navigate life's challenges with grace and equanimity.
The Ongoing Journey
Achieving a calm mind and cultivating a loving heart is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing process. It's a daily practice, a moment-by-moment choice to return to peace and love.
De Mello encourages us to "Think of some of the painful events in your life. For how many of them are you grateful today, because thanks to them you changed and grew?" This perspective reminds us that even challenges and setbacks can be opportunities for growth and increased clarity when approached with an open and loving mindset.
Ravikant reminds us, "Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are." This journey towards calm and love is about gradually releasing the tension of who we think we should be and relaxing into who we truly are.
In conclusion, the path to a calm mind and a loving heart is not about achieving a perfect state of being. It's about cultivating awareness, practicing acceptance, and choosing love again and again. As we progress on this path, we may find that life becomes not just more peaceful, but also more rich and fulfilling.
Remember, as de Mello says, "The day you are happy for no reason whatsoever, the day you find yourself taking delight in everything and in nothing, you will know that you have found the land of unending joy called the kingdom." This is the promise of a calm mind and a loving heart - a life of profound peace and joy, independent of external circumstances.
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